Στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο της Skåne (SUS) στην Σουηδία βάλανε συστηματική δουλειά με βάση τις αρχές του Καναδέζικου choosingwisely και καταφέραν να μειώσουν πολλές εξετάσεις αιματολογικές και απεικονιστικές καθώς και μεταγγίσεις αίματος, χωρίς αρνητικά αποτελέσματα για τους ασθενείς (τουναντίον μάλιστα). Κάνω μια γρήγορη μετάφραση του "ζουμιού" του άρθρου:22/04/2021 Läkartidningen.
Avoid taking unnecessary blood tests - especially for patients who are in clinical improvement and where the diagnosis is most likely already established.
It is also a matter of not giving blood transfusions unnecessarily, of using residual urinary catheters more restrictively, of reducing the use of proton pump inhibitors and of not routinely performing a CT examination of the head after a fainting incident.
Today, internal medicine at SUS is the activity in inpatient care that has come the furthest in the country with the new way of working. And in the medical departments in Malmö, where the work has been going on for the longest time, the effects are clear according to Fredrik von Wowern.
- We have reduced the number of prescribed blood tests by almost 50 percent. When it comes to CT examinations and X-ray examinations in general, there has also been a reduction of about 30 percent. In addition, we have reduced blood transfusions by 45 percent.
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