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Educational videos from Youtube: Ultrasound.

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Argirios Argiriou:

Ultrasound of the gallbladder

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Argirios Argiriou:
Video duration: 18:56

Point of Care Lung Ultrasound (POCUS)

John Kugler, MD

Division of Hospital Medicine

Stanford University School of Medicine

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This video is brought to you by the Stanford Medicine 25 to teach you how to use bedside point of care ultrasound. 

In this video we show you point of care ultrasound of the lung by simultaneously demonstrating the position of the probe and ultrasound images.

0:00 - Intro
0:29 - Pneumothorax
4:10 - Pleural Effusion
10:25 - A Lines & B Lines
18:39 - End

This video is led by Dr. John Kugler. He is faculty at Stanford and a hospitalist with extensive experience in point of care ultrasound.

The Stanford Medicine 25 program for bedside medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine aims to promote the culture of bedside medicine to make current and future clinicians and other healthcare provides better at the art of physical diagnosis and more confident at the bedside of their patients.

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Argirios Argiriou:
Ποιοτικό βιντεάκι διάρκειας 4 λεπτών από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Stanford:

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This video is brought to you by the Stanford Medicine 25 to teach you how to use bedside point of care ultrasound. 

We show you point of care ultrasound (POCUS) by simultaneously demonstrating the position of the probe and ultrasound images. In this video, we focus on what questions to ask and what to look for when scanning with ultrasound. 

0:00 - Intro
1:04 - Room and Patient Setup Before Scanning
1:45 - How to Hold the Probe
3:00 - Probe Movements While Scanning
3:49 - End

This video is led by Dr. John Kugler. He is faculty at Stanford and a hospitalist with extensive experience in point of care ultrasound.

The Stanford Medicine 25 program for bedside medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine aims to promote the culture of bedside medicine to make current and future clinicians and other healthcare provides better at the art of physical diagnosis and more confident at the bedside of their patients.

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Twitter:   / stanfordmed25

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Argirios Argiriou:
Ποιοτικό βιντεάκι διάρκειας 6 λεπτών από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Stanford:

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This video is brought to you by the Stanford Medicine 25 to teach you how to use bedside point of care ultrasound. 

We show you point of care ultrasound (POCUS) by simultaneously demonstrating the position of the probe and ultrasound images. In this video, we focus on how to get started using point of care ultrasound.

0:00 - Intro and Basics Before Scanning
3:37 - Common Settings on an Ultrasound Device
6:10 - End

This video is led by Dr. John Kugler. He is faculty at Stanford and a hospitalist with extensive experience in point of care ultrasound.

The Stanford Medicine 25 program for bedside medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine aims to promote the culture of bedside medicine to make current and future clinicians and other healthcare provides better at the art of physical diagnosis and more confident at the bedside of their patients.

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Argirios Argiriou:
Ποιοτικό βιντεάκι διάρκειας 6,32 λεπτών από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Stanford:

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This video is brought to you by the Stanford Medicine 25 to teach you how to use bedside point of care ultrasound. 

We show you point of care ultrasound (POCUS) by simultaneously demonstrating the position of the probe and ultrasound images. In this video, we focus on how to exam the kidneys (renal ultrasound) and bladder.

0:00 - Intro
1:14 - Patient Position
1:31 - Kidney Ultrasound
3:22 - Bladder Ultrasound
6:16 - End

This video is led by Dr. Andre Kumar. He is faculty at Stanford and a hospitalist with extensive experience in point of care ultrasound.

The Stanford Medicine 25 program for bedside medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine aims to promote the culture of bedside medicine to make current and future clinicians and other healthcare provides better at the art of physical diagnosis and more confident at the bedside of their patients.

Visit us:
Website: Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος
Blog: Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος
Facebook:  / stanfordmedicine25
Twitter:  / stanfordmed25 


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