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Μεταξύ άλλων:Ultrasound Probe Movements:1) Sliding
2) Tilting / Fanning
3) Rotation
4) Rocking
5) Compression
ήUltrasound buttonsFreeze
Measure (Calipers)
ήPower Doppler ModeThere is a mode
similar to color Doppler that you may encounter called Power Doppler. This mode
does not show up as red or blue on the screen but only uses a single yellow color signifying the amplitude of flow. So
you can’t tell if the flow is going towards or away from the probe given that it has only one color. It is more sensitive than color Doppler and is used to detect low flow states such as venous flow in the thyroid or testicles.
ήPulse Wave (PW) Doppler ModePulse Wave (PW) Doppler
allows you to measure the velocity of blood flow (at a single point). A unique aspect of Pulse Wave Doppler is that you can specify to the ultrasound machine exactly where you would like the machine to measure the velocity using the Sample Gate. It’s usually seen by two horizontal lines along your cursor. you can move your cursor and your sample gate and place it exactly where you want to measure your blood velocity.
ήContinuous Wave (CW) Doppler ModeContinuous Wave Doppler is very similar to pulse wave Doppler except it does not alias and
can detect very high velocities (greater than 1000cm/second). So Continuous Wave Doppler is the optimal choice for measuring high-velocity applications such as valvular stenosis and regurgitation.
Unlike Pulse Wave Doppler which has a sampling gate to measure a single point along your cursor, Continuous Wave Doppler
measures all points along your cursor. Therefore what you will see will be the maximum velocity of flow detected along the cursor line. This is a pro and a con. It is a pro because you don’t have aliasing and can detect high velocities, but it is a con because you don’t know exactly where that velocity is coming from on the cursor. Also if there are two velocities along the cursor line, you won’t be able to differentiate the lower velocity compared to the higher velocity signal, since the high-velocity signal will mask the low-velocity one.
ήTissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) ModeNow let’s go over how to use Tissue Doppler.
The good news is that all of the principles of Pulse Wave Doppler also apply to Tissue Doppler. In fact, Tissue Doppler is just another form of Pulse Wave Doppler that
allows you to measure the much slower speeds of tissue/muscle movement (from 1cm/s – 20cm/s) compared to Pulse Wave Doppler that measures the much faster speed of blood (30cm/s – 200cm/s).
Accessing the Tissue Doppler function will vary by machine but usually just involves pushing a knob/button labeled “TDI” (Tissue Doppler Imaging) while you are in the Pulse Wave Doppler mode.
ήOther Ultrasound Doppler Settings: Wall Filter, Steer, Angle CorrectionWhen you are in one of these Doppler settings, you will be able to optimize your image further by adjusting the following ultrasound buttons/knobs:
Wall Filter: decreases low-velocity signals. Used to minimize the amount of artifacts on your Doppler images
Steer: allows you to steer the color Doppler box when you can’t get an optimal angle
Angle Correction: used for Pulse wave to correct the angle of your sample gate when you can’t get an optimal angle