Όσοι "μπαίνουν" σε διάφορα διαδικτυακά fora, ίσως συμμερισθούν την άποψή μου, ότι για κάποιους απροσδιόριστους ή προσδιορίσιμους λόγους, ορισμένα ψευδώνυμα των συν-forumιτών τους, λένε κάτι μέσα τους. Για μένα, σ' αυτό εδώ το forum, ένα από τα 3-4 ψευδώνυμα που "μιλούσε" μέσα μου, ήταν εκείνο της "Αγωνιστικής Παρέμβασης". Έτσι, χωρίς λόγο. Μέχρι που σε μία ενασχόλησή μου με την έννοια της διαπολιτισμικής φροντίδας (transcultural care, για τους λάτρεις των αγγλικών όρων) στην υγεία (ναι, σε πολιτισμένα κράτη, υπάρχει και τέτοια διάσταση στην παροχή φροντίδας υγείας), "έπεσα" πάνω στο μοντέλο της "αγωνιστικής παρατήρησης" στην έρευνα. Με άγγιξε και αμέσως το συνδύασα μέσα μου με την "Αγωνιστική Παρέμβαση" .Το μοντέλο προέρχεται από το χώρο της κοινωνιολογίας και το διατύπωσαν οι Rosisca και Miguel Darcy de Oliveira.Κινείται στο πλαίσιο του ίσως περισσότερο γνωστού μοντέλου της "participatory action research".Μπορεί κάποιος (αν έχει ειδικό ενδιαφέρον, αλλιώς θα του φανεί κουραστικό) να το διαβάσει στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:
Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links).
Εγγραφή ή
ΕίσοδοςΘα παραθέσω μόνο ένα μικρό τμήμα, την εισαγωγή, όπου γίνεται κριτική στην "ακαδημαϊκή" μορφή της επιστημονικής έρευνας καθώς και ένα δεύτερο τμήμα με το "συμπυκνωμένο" ορισμό του αγωνιστικού παρατηρητή (militant observer).
"The purpose of the present IDAC document is to present systematically the methodology of the militant observer. This is the methodology which serves us as a tool in our action / research. Before even getting to the core of the subject, however, and analyzing in what this tool consists, it would be well to clarify just exactly what we mean when we use the word "research".
For many people the word "research" is associated with voluminous and abstract scientific work, which is presented, most often, in esoteric language by specialists who deal with specific and narrow subjects. These long-term research projects usually are carried on under the aegis of the university where they often represent nothing more than the fulfillment of academic rules and regulations for the receiving of honors and degrees. And, even in spite of all the "knowledge" which these works supposedly represent, it is not infrequent that, having been solemnly presented, they then go quietly to their rest in the drawers or on the shelves of university libraries.
In more recent times, however, aside from this "useless" research, we find another type of research taking place and having a much more precise, specific, and utilitarian goal. Numerous different institutions and foundations--all the way from governmental agencies to the multinational corporations--are setting up sophisticated research projects in order to better understand the so-called "unfortunate" or "under-privileged" social groups.
So it is that in the Third World we find experts of development programs busy at work studying the Indiana, the peasants, tribal populations, or slum-dwellers. In North America specialists from all branches of the social sciences analyze the behavior patterns of ethnic minorities. And in Western Europe it seems that the favorite subjects for study are the migrant workers, the rebellious youth, or the regional movements striving for cultural and political autonomy.
The themes vary, but the same patterns are repeated almost everywhere. The oppressed are identified, measured, dissecting, and programmed from the outside by the oppressors the oppressor's representatives.
The oppressors, with the help of their sciences, determine the goals of the research and the methodology, which is to be followed. The results, moreover, are practically never communicated, or even discussed, with the persons who are most directly concerned, that is to say, with the oppressed. The research is always done "on them", and that means "without them"
The "observed" groups become more and more simple objects of study. And they continue unaware of how their responses to questionnaires can be used to know them better and to control them better. As Gonzalez Casanova, a Latin American sociologist, has said, the problems studied are in no way the problems of the oppressed; it is rather the oppressed themselves who are studied as the problem. (1). The programs, for example, which are set up in Latin America to study "non-conformity", financed by North American universities and foundations, had as their goal the establishment of control mechanisms over the "non-conformists". In the same way, research concerned with fertility always opens the way to programs of birth control. (2). "
The Militant Observer
"Militant observation, then, is a method of research, which addresses itself primarily to the oppressed, and it can only be developed with them, for its purpose and goal is to stimulate the autonomous organization and creativity of the group. We shall not pretend that this is the only possible use, which one can make of the social sciences within a perspective of liberation. As has already been said in the introduction to this document, we share Stavenhagen's opinion that another priority area for sociological research is the study of those who hold power and of the system of domination. Militant observation is not the only "correct" way of approaching the social sciences. It is a particularly adequate method for those who, animated by a political intent, want to contribute to change." Έτσι θέλω να έχω λοιπόν στο μυαλό μου την "Αγωνιστική Παρέμβαση" του παρόντος forum. Μπορεί να την εξιδανικεύω, αλλά γι' αυτό, ανάμεσα σε πολλά άλλα, υπάρχουν τα διαδικτυακά fora και τα ψευδώνυμα που κυκλοφορούν ανάμεσά τους. Για να μπορούμε να ονειρευόμαστε.