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Educational videos from Youtube: Nasogastric Intubation.
Argirios Argiriou:
a. The Levin Tube.
b. The Salem-Sump Tube.
c. The Miller-Abbott Tube.
d. The Cantor Tube.
[spoiler]TYPES OF NASOGASTRIC TUBESThe first nasogastric tubes were made of soft rubber. Recently, tubes have beenmade of silastic and polyethylene compounds. These tubes can be inserted moreeasily and also cause fewer medical problems for the patient. There are fewerinstances of inflamed tissues. With the exception of this change, nasogastric tubes arevery much the same today as they have been for the last three decades. The mostcommonly used nasogastric tube is the Levin tube. Other nasogastric tubes include theSalem-sump tube, the Miller-Abbott tube, and the Cantor tube.a. The Levin Tube. The actual tubing is referred to as lumen. The Levin tubeis a one-lumen nasogastric tube. The Salem-sump nasogastric tube is a two-lumenpiece of equipment; that is, it has two tubes. The Levin tube is usually made of plasticwith several drainage holes near the gastric end of the tube. There are graduatedmarkings on the lumen so that you can see how far you have inserted the tube into thepatient. This nasogastric tube is useful in instilling material into the stomach orsuctioning material out of the stomach.b. The Salem-Sump Tube. This nasogastric tube is a two-lumen piece ofequipment. It has a drainage lumen and a smaller secondary tube that is open to theatmosphere. The major advantage of this two-lumen tube is that it can be used forcontinuous suction. The continuous airflow reduces the frequency of stomach contentsbeing drawn up into the whole of the lumen which is in the patient's stomach.c. The Miller-Abbott Tube. This tube is also a two-lumen nasogastric tube.There is a rubber balloon at the tip of one tube; the other tube has holes near its tip.After one tube has passed through the pylorus (the opening between the stomach andthe duodenum), the balloon is inflated with air. The balloon is then moved along theintestinal tract by peristalsis (movement by alternate contraction and relaxation, in thecase, of the intestinal walls. The rest of the tube is propelled along with the balloon.The contents of the intestines are sucked back through the holes in the tube. The Miller-Abbott nasogastric tube has two separate openings. The end of the tube which isoutside the patient's body has a metal adapter with two openings. One opening is forsuction and is marked "suction." The other opening is used by a doctor to inflate theballoon. Be sure this last opening is marked so that no one becomes confused andconnects the opening to a suction device or instills irrigating solutions through thatopening.d. The Cantor Tube. This nasogastric tube has one lumen and a bag on theend. Mercury is inserted into the bag, and the mercury helps move the tube along theintestinal tract. Before the tube is inserted into the patient, mercury is injected directlyinto the bag with needle and syringe. The needle makes an opening large enough forthe mercury to go through but not large enough for the mercury to leak out. When thetube is inserted into the patient, the bag holding the mercury becomes long. The Cantortube is very effective when used for intestinal decompression (relief of stretching of theintestine through suctioning out intestinal contents).[/spoiler]
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