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Αντιγριππικός εμβολιασμός

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Argirios Argiriou:
Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή ΕίσοδοςΤυχαία έπεσα πάνω σε κάτι που δεν έτυχε να ξαναδιαβάσω:

--- Παράθεση ---20,000,000 died of that flu epidemic, worldwide, and it seemed to be almost universal or as far away as the vaccinations reached. Greece and a few other countries, which did not accept the vaccines, were the only ones that were not hit by the flu. Doesn’t that prove something?
--- Τέλος παράθεσης ---

Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος

Πέρα από την (μη) σοβαρότητα του άρθρου, γνωρίζει μήπως κανείς αν υπήρξε αντιεμβολιαστικό κίνημα στις αρχές του περασμένου αιώνα στην χώρα μας;

--- Τέλος παράθεσης ---

Και όμως η απάντηση δεν είναι πέρα από την μη σοβαρότητα του άρθρου.

Άλλη μια πιθανή εξήγηση για το τι πραγματικά συνέβη το 1918 με την πανδημία γρίπης.

Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence .
Clin Infect Dis (2009) 49 (9): 1405-1410.

The high case-fatality rate—especially among young adults—during the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic is incompletely understood. Although late deaths showed bacterial pneumonia, early deaths exhibited extremely “wet,” sometimes hemorrhagic lungs. The hypothesis presented herein is that aspirin contributed to the incidence and severity of viral pathology, bacterial infection, and death, because physicians of the day were unaware that the regimens (8.0–31.2 g per day) produce levels associated with hyperventilation and pulmonary edema in 33% and 3% of recipients, respectively. Recently, pulmonary edema was found at autopsy in 46% of 26 salicylate-intoxicated adults. Experimentally, salicylates increase lung fluid and protein levels and impair mucociliary clearance. In 1918, the US Surgeon General, the US Navy, and the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended use of aspirin just before the October death spike. If these recommendations were followed, and if pulmonary edema occurred in 3% of persons, a significant proportion of the deaths may be attributable to aspirin.

Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος

Και επίσης υπάρχουν κι άλλες συμπτώσεις:

--- Παράθεση ---the wave of aspirin poisonings was due to a "perfect storm" of events: Bayer's patent on aspirin expired, so that many companies rushed in to make a profit and greatly increased the supply; this coincided with the flu pandemic; and the symptoms of aspirin poisoning were not known at the time.
--- Τέλος παράθεσης ---
Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος

--- Παράθεση ---In the early 1900s, physicians treating serious conditions (eg, rheumatic fever) generally “pushed” salicylate until the appearance of toxicity and then backed off [24]. In 1918, dosing recommendations for pandemic influenza were similar to these high-dose, hospital-based regimens, except that the recommendations for influenza generally offered no instruction for dose adjustment if toxicity occurred.
--- Τέλος παράθεσης ---

Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος

--- Παράθεση ---The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much deadlier than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu epidemics; those most at risk were the sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. But in August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone and the United States, the virus had mutated to a much deadlier form.

This increased severity has been attributed to the circumstances of the First World War. In civilian life, natural selection favours a mild strain. Those who get very ill stay home, and those mildly ill continue with their lives, preferentially spreading the mild strain. In the trenches, natural selection was reversed. Soldiers with a mild strain stayed where they were, while the severely ill were sent on crowded trains to crowded field hospitals, spreading the deadlier virus. The second wave began and the flu quickly spread around the world again. Consequently, during modern pandemics health officials pay attention when the virus reaches places with social upheaval (looking for deadlier strains of the virus).
--- Τέλος παράθεσης ---

Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος

Argirios Argiriou:
Σύμφωνα με τον αντιπρόσωπο μιας από τις παρακάτω εταιρείες, για το Φθινόπωρο του 2017 οι τιμές των αντιγριππικών εμβολίων θα έχουν ως εξής:

Το τριδύναμο Influvac έχει λιανική τιμή 5,73 €

Το τετραδύναμο Fluarix έχει Λιανική Τιμή 10,72 €

Το τετραδύναμο Vaxigrip Tetra έχει Λιανική Τιμή 13,73 €

Argirios Argiriou:
Και η πατροπαράδοτη Φθινοπωρινή εγκύκλιος για τον αντιγριππικό εμβολιασμό:


 «Οδηγίες για την Εποχική Γρίπη 2017-2018 – Αντιγριπικός Εμβολιασμός»

Επισυνάπτεται ως αρχείο στην μορφή pdf.


[0] Λίστα μηνυμάτων

[#] Επόμενη σελίδα

[*] Προηγούμενη σελίδα

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