Γενικά > Χρήσιμες πληροφορίες
Πως γίνεται η τιμολόγηση των φαρμάκων στην Σουηδία.
Argirios Argiriou:
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Εγγραφή ή ΕίσοδοςΌταν αγοράζεις τα γενόσημα 692% ακριβότερα από ότι η πλούσια Σουηδία,
επόμενο να αναγκαστείς να βάλεις πλαφόν στους Ιατρούς.
--- Τέλος παράθεσης ---
Ενδιαφέρον σχόλιο σήμερα από το facebook (ΙΑΤΡΟΙ ΕΟΠΥΥ):
To κακό είναι ότι αντί να μειώσουν την τιμή των γενοσήμων και να βοηθήσουν την εγχώρια βιομηχανία με φορολογικές ελαφρύνσεις και μειωμένο φπα, αφήνουν αντ' αυτού υψηλή την τιμή τους και μεταβιβάζουν στις πλάτες του λαού την στήριξη της εγχώριας παραγωγής.
Μιλάμε για στάση μπεμπεκίστικη που χειροτερεύει αντί να οφελεί το εγχώριο γενόσημο και θα γυρίσει κατά του.
Argirios Argiriou:
Μεταφράζω από τα Σουηδικά στα Αγγλικά με την βοήθεια του translate.google από το πιο πρόσφατο (νούμερο 46 του 2016) Läkartidningen (To εβδομαδιαίο περιοδικό του Πανσουηδικού Ιατρικού Συλλόγου).
15 November 2016. Lakartidningen.
Felicia Lindberg.
Swedish prices on generic drugs among the lowest in Europe
The Swedish exchange system of medicine is one of the most efficient in Europe. Every year released billions that can be used to improve care and treat more patients. It shows a recent report by the TLV.
Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links).
Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος) has made a comparison between the 20 European countries shows that Sweden has among the lowest rates in competitive drugs that changed in pharmacies. According to the report "The Swedish period to be system - an analysis of price dynamics in the market for substitutable medicines« pay in the rest of Europe on average, 2.6 billion more for the equivalent generic drugs. Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands have the lowest price levels, while Switzerland has by far the highest rates in competitive drugs.
The exchange system was introduced in Sweden in 2002. In connection with the deregulation of the pharmacy market in 2009 it was changed to the current so-called period be system. Each month the drug with the lowest price is chosen in each exchange group which can be provided to the entire market throughout the month. Pharmacies are then required to change to that drug during this month.
In many other European countries applied more static models with the percentage system for the pricing when the market is opened up to generic competition.
- What distinguishes the Swedish, Danish and Dutch systems, which is very effective, is that we let market forces control the pricing. In Sweden, it will be a monthly auction where pharmaceutical companies bidding against each other, says Svante Rasmuson, head of market analysis at the TLV.
He believes that the benefits of these relatively short periods is that companies want to compete and that prices can be driven strongly. The disadvantages are that it is difficult for pharmacies to replace the drug and that patients may be inconvenienced by switching drugs frequently, even if the content is the same.
Svante Rasmuson would therefore urge medical professionals if necessary, inform their patients about the prescribed drug can be exchanged for an equivalent.
- We have a good information about generic drugs that have been developed in cooperation with among others the MPA, but the knowledge of the public is still diverse. It is possible for the patient to select the original drug of generics, and even doctors and pharmacists may consider that it is the best for the patient, he says.
According to the report falling price of drugs in Sweden sharply immediately after the emergence of generic competition. After three months the price has fallen on average by 40 percent, and after two years it has fallen to 35 percent of the starting price.
When prices fall, it may often be the talk of new treatment guidelines, which eventually leads to more patients can be treated.
- Physicians who are aware of the cost might be more motivated to change their prescribing habits in line with the lower prices, says Svante Rasmuson.
TLV's review shows that the use, measured in number of doses during the first two years of the competition will increase by over 20 percent. Since the increase in volume is not as big as the price decline also released money to other care.
- With this report we want to highlight the major socio-economic benefits of the period being, we think outweigh the disadvantages, says Svante Rasmuson.
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Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος
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Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος
Argirios Argiriou:
15/11/2016 Läkartidningen.
Svenska priser på generiska läkemedel bland de lägsta i Europa.
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Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος
01-02-2017 Läkartidningen.
Svenska läkemedelspriser lägst i ny jämförelse.
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Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος
Argirios Argiriou:
Managed introduction – this is how it works
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