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4 Μαρτίου 2025, 14:11:36

Αποστολέας Θέμα: Blood Glucose Levels Predict Risk for Pancreatic Cancer.  (Αναγνώστηκε 3216 φορές)

0 μέλη και 1 επισκέπτης διαβάζουν αυτό το θέμα.

18 Ιανουαρίου 2015, 10:14:33
Αναγνώστηκε 3216 φορές

Argirios Argiriou

January 13, 2015

Paul S. Mueller, MD, MPH, FACP reviewing Liao W-C et al. BMJ 2015 Jan 3.

Every 10 mg/dL increase in fasting blood glucose is associated with a 15% rise in incidence of pancreatic cancer.

Type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer
, and the incidences of both pancreatic cancer and type 2 diabetes are increasing. In this meta-analysis of nine prospective observational studies, researchers evaluated the dose-response association between blood glucose concentration and risk for pancreatic cancer.

Across the entire range of blood glucose concentrations, a strong linear dose–response relation was noted between fasting blood glucose concentration and incidence of pancreatic cancer: Every 10.1 mg/dL increment in fasting glucose was associated with a 14% increase in incidence of pancreatic cancer. Similar results were obtained when only fasting blood glucose concentrations in the prediabetes range were considered.


In this meta-analysis, a strong linear dose–response relation was observed between fasting blood glucose and incidence of pancreatic cancer. These results are biologically plausible: As noted by the authors, evidence suggests hyperglycemia promotes cell proliferation and hyperinsulinemia promotes cell proliferation and reduces apoptosis. Preventing and treating prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (by optimizing diet, physical activity, weight loss) could provide an important opportunity for preventing pancreatic cancer.

Editor Disclosures at Time of Publication

Disclosures for Paul S. Mueller, MD, MPH, FACP at time of publication:
Consultant / advisory board Boston Scientific (Patient Safety Advisory Board)
Leadership positions in professional societies American Osler Society (Vice President)


Liao W-C et al. Blood glucose concentration and risk of pancreatic cancer: Systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. BMJ 2015 Jan 3; 349:g7371. (Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος)

- See more at: Δεν είναι ορατοί οι σύνδεσμοι (links). Εγγραφή ή Είσοδος
Before ordering a test decide what you will do if it is (1) positive, or (2) negative. If both answers are the same, don't do the test. Archie Cochrane.


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